by Derrick Ferguson


The Island of Lugia
Forty miles off the coast of Greece…

Tais Pennington-Smythe turned her head slightly, the purpose being trying to keep an eye on the movements of Sandoval Ifr without seeming to be watching him at all. She'd noticed that for the past four days or so, Ifr had made it a point to be in the general vicinity of wherever she was and she was betting that it wasn't because she had such lovely long legs. She did, of course. Beautiful legs, tanned and strong and they got more than their share of attention from members of both sexes when she passed by, but from what she had seen of Ifr during her stay on Lugia, Ifr 's interest in women was as objects to slake his thirst for exotic torture. Tais was fairly certain that by now Ifr knew that she was working for Blackhawk International. His intelligence sources were as diverse as Chuck Sirianni's and if Ifr knew, that meant that the Mayhews knew and her life was in the most precarious of balances.

Which excited her to no end. When this job had been offered to her, she'd eagerly jumped at it. Ifr himself was an internationally known terrorist and mercenary who was wanted for crimes going back to the Vietnam War. And Orchid Mayhew herself was little more than a spoiled, rich psychotic brat who indulged her unhealthy taste for blood and sadism out of nothing with more psychological complexity than plain old boredom. The real danger was her brother, Sundown Mayhew.

Tais briefly let her eyes survey the rest of the crowd around the Olympic sized, kidney shaped pool. Many of them were among some of the worlds leading celebrities, industrialists and political figures, enjoying the hospitality of the Mayhew in anticipation of the huge birthday party Mayhew was throwing for his sister tomorrow night. If the plan went as it was supposed to, McCall and the Blackhawks would be on Lugia and she would be gotten out safely.

Safely. Tais frowned. Not a word that could be associated with Fortune McCall by ANY stretch of the imagination. The man attracted mayhem like—

“What's wrong, Tais?”

Tais looked up. Orchid Mayhew stood just behind her lounge chair, dressed in a one-piece gold bathing suit that looked quite luscious on her slim, fragile looking build. Orchid looked deceptively frail. Tais had seen her during one of her training sessions and had watched in frank admiration as Orchid had taken on four men who made WWF wrestlers look soft and she had thoroughly beaten the living daylights out of each and every one, taking great pleasure in doing so.

“Nothing. Just thinking about a man I know.”

“Nice man?”

“Don't get me started. So how are things coming along with the plans for your birthday party?”

“Sunny says that we're expecting some forty more guests to come and the list will be complete. And then it's party time! And then I suppose you'll be leaving as well?”

Tais smiled. “I don't know. Your brother said he was going to make me a job offer but he hasn't said anything else about it since I've been here.”

Tais had located Mayhew in Hong Kong and had taken a suite in the same hotel he was staying in and then she made it a point to frequent the same gambling casinos he did at night. Tais's exotic beauty had quickly caught his eye and Mayhew had taken her to dinner a couple of times before inviting her to return with him to his private island. Tais knew he had run a preliminary check on her and she was well known to the intelligence community as a freelance spy, a fact that Mr. Sirianni and Mr. Chan knew would pique the scientist's interests. And Orchid had taken an immediate liking to Tais. A liking that Tais suspected had more to do with sexual desire than any sort of female bonding. But Sandoval Ifr was a zebra with different stripes altogether.

“Don't you worry about that. If you want a job, I'll make sure my brother hires you. You're quite the package, Tais,” Orchid added, her large brown eyes openly gazing at Tais's ample bosom. Tais suddenly wished she had thought to bring along a wrap, but the hot Grecian sun had felt simple wonderful against her skin and she wanted to enjoy it. Right now she was wishing she had brought along a bearskin coat.

“Enjoying the day, ladies?” Sandoval Ifr had come up on Tais's other side, making her start slightly. She'd never seen anyone who had moved as silently as Ifr. And it wasn't just that. After years of living on the edge, in dangerous parts of the world, Tais could feel when someone moved within her personal space without having to see them. The many instructors she had in the martial arts had called this a proximity sense. It came in handy when one risked their lives on a regular basis. But Sandoval Ifr was someone Tais couldn't sense. It was as if the man was an emotional void, giving off nothing to be sensed.

A tall, preying mantis of a man with silver hair and calm blue eyes, Ifr was always dressed in a suit and no matter how hot or humid it got, never dripped so much as a single drop of sweat. His long, poetic face was quite handsome, if remote and cold and his hands were quite striking, with long, artistic fingers that seemed more suited to a concert pianist or a violinist than a psychotic killer.

“Sandoval! You're always sneaking up on me!” Tais laughed to cover her discomfort. While most of the other women on the island found Ifr highly desirable, he didn't do a thing for her. Maybe it was because she knew of the atrocities he'd committed over the years.

Ifr smiled. “Just keeping you on your toes, Tais. Sundown's taken a special interest in you and so have I. Ready for the party tomorrow night?”

“It should be a lot of fun, what with all the famous guests you've got here. Just about everybody who's anybody is here.”

“Not quite. Have you ever heard of a man named Fortune McCall?”

Oh, shit, Tais thought. But she made her face relax and titled her head slightly to the side as she narrowed her eyes as if thinking. “I've heard the name a few times. He's working for Blackhawk International, isn't he?”

“Supposedly he's taken the title of Blackhawk now. There seems to be some dispute among the top brass at Blackhawk International if that's the case, but he's good at his job I've heard. He's respected. Even feared by some.”

“Is he coming to the party?”

“Sundown's invited him. The Mayhews and The Blackhawks have some history together, I understand. If you'd like, I'd be happy to let you see the file.”

What in the hell kind of game is he playing with me? Tais wondered. She shrugged slim, bronzed shoulders and said easily, “If it'll help Sundown, sure.”

Ifr nodded. “I think you'll be just right for a little favor we'd like you to do for us regarding Fortune McCall….”

And all of a sudden, Tais had a feeling that things had just gotten much worse.

A light aircraft carrier majestically sailed on a heading for Lugia. Totally black in color, the light carrier's only identifying mark was the Blackhawk symbol painted on the command and control island. While the vessel had an official name and designation, those who worked aboard her affectionately called the ship, 'Blackie', a name that had stuck.

Through a complicated series of negotiations, Blackhawk International possessed the world's only corporately owned and operated nuclear aircraft carrier. It was a tremendous aid to McCall and his team in their adventures and while it was incredibly expensive to maintain and operate, it more than justified the cost. When it came to a mission such as the one they were presently engaged in, there was no substitute for the versatility and support Blackie provided.

Due to a comprehensive computerized and automated refit that handled many of the operational functions, the carrier was able to cut down on the standard crew of 900 to nearly half that size, men and women, nearly fifty percent of them veterans of various branches of the many different armies of the world who had signed on with Blackhawk International, dedicating themselves to no longer just protecting one country or serving one flag, but to the dream of global peace and brotherhood that The Blackhawks had been fighting for since the days of World War II.

Fortune McCall stood just outside the bridge, the collar of his jacket turned up against the wind as he smoked a cigar, enjoying the feel of being on an aircraft carrier again. Regina Mallory walked out of the bridge and joined him. Barely a few inches over five feet, a woman of startling Irish beauty, she was also a highly respected scientist with more than a few surprises. She passed over a handheld video monitor that showed Mayhew's estate on Lugia.

“Where are we getting this from?” McCall asked.

“I tapped into one of the National Security Agency's satellites. It's a live feed.”

“Did you ask them first?”

“Do they ask us?” Regina grinned. She was never happier than when she was using her technical skills to get away with something outrageous. Quite a different woman from the one McCall had met six years ago, lying in a bed in an intensive care ward, arms and legs blown off, little more than a hunk of shattered meat.

“Can I use this thing to try and see if I can spot Tais?”

“I've already tried, but no go. She must be inside the castle. I was thinking about something. There are a lot of famous people on that island, Fortune. People who've got nothing to do with this business between the Mayhews and us. We start a fight and there's a lot of innocents could end up hurt. Maybe killed.”

“We're only going to get Tais and get her out. I've got no intention of turning this into a bloodbath and if we all stick to the plan, no one will. Or should I say, no one innocent at least. But I can't guarantee anything, Reggie, you know that.”

Regina nodded. Fortune was the only one she allowed to get away with nicknaming her 'Reggie' “Just pointing out a legitimate concern, boss. How do YOU feel, by the way?”

“Ask me after we get Tais off that island.”

To be continued

(©2001 Derrick Ferguson)

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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.