El Halcon Negro Issue No. 185


April 1963

The cover story is titled The Six Rainbows. For an example of the interior art, click here to see Page 9 (file size 142 KB) from a story titled The Flying Cannon. A story with the same title and a similar idea did appear in the U.S. Blackhawk (see Issue #75). However, if the idea is similar the artwork in the Mexican version is definately original. If I have interpreted the Spanish correctly, this story featured a Blackhawk interplanetary ship called the "Falcon III," which may be unique to this edition since these books were the original work of Mexican writers and artists. The black spot on the cover is where the price has been marked over for reselling.

Gustavo added -- The seis arco-iris issue includes tree different stories. The first one is the "Flying Cannon" followed by "Frigio, the Ice King"; and finally "the Six Rainbows", which is the shortest story. Falcon III appears in just in the first short tale (12 pages I guess). "Censured" prices on most of the covers read 1.00 peso (12.50 mexican pesos were equal to 1 US dollar at the time. Only the more recent cover I sent you bears 1.20 pesos."

Thanks to Gustavo Rodriguez-Zurita and Ulises Mavridis for providing this issue.

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